Welcome to Rivers'07 (Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia)

2nd International Conference on
Managing Rivers in the 21st Century:

Solutions Towards Sustainable River Basin

The national organizing committee is greatly honoured to invite all interested local and foreign researchers, engineers, policy and decision makers, administrators, educators, NGOs and the concerned public to present and exchange their knowledge views and experience on the latest problems and solution related to river basin sustainability in Malaysia and worldwide. The accepted paper presentation will be organized under the following topics:

 1. Integrated River Basin Management
 2. Watershed Land Use Planning and Management
 3. Flood forecasting and Flood Risk Management / Mitigation
 4. Floodplain, River and Estuarine Rehabilitation
 5. Hydrology & Sustainable Drainage System
 6. Streams Heritage Restoration and Conservation
 7. Water Quality Treatment
 8. Inland Water Transport
 9. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation
 10. Legislative and Policy
